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The Association for Psychological Therapies recently held their first conference for The APT Awards for Excellence at College Court Conference Centre in Leicester.
The conference on the 24th September 2019 brought together mental health professionals from across the British Isles, who work in a variety of settings in the NHS and Independent Healthcare. The day featured 12 finalists, who had to present their submissions, and were judged by Dr William Davies (Consultant Psychologist and Chief Executive of APT), Dr Sophie Davies (Consultant Psychiatrist and APT Director of Governance), and Dr Martin Horler (Consultant Clinical Psychologist and APT Tutor).
We received a number of excellent entries this year, and being shortlisted was an achievement in itself. The day featured the following 12 finalists in 3 categories:
Chaired by Dr Martin Horler, Consultant Clinical Psychologist. Judged by Dr William Davies, Consultant Psychologist and Author of The RAID Course.
Chaired by Dr William Davies, Consultant Psychologist and Chief Executive of APT. Judged by Dr Sophie Davies, Consultant Psychiatrist and author of the APT’s pledge on mental and health and wellbeing at work.
Chaired by Dr William Davies, Consultant Psychologist and Chief Executive of APT. Judged by Dr Martin Horler, Consultant Psychologist and acknowledged authority on DBT.
The overall winners were: North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (for excellence in working with Challenging Behaviour), Priory Calverton Hill (for excellence in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy), and HSE Ireland and Cygnet Hospital Bierley (joint winners for Fostering Good Mental Health in the Workplace).
Dr William Davies said “We are very pleased with how many great entries we have received for these awards; it was a fabulous day celebrating excellence in mental health services and showing inspiring practice.”
Submissions are now being accepted for the 2020 awards and further information can be found here.
The APT Awards for Excellence ❯
The APT Awards for Excellence 2021 ❯
The APT Awards for Excellence 2022 ❯
The APT Award for Excellence in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ❯
The APT-DICES® Award for Excellence in Risk Assessment and Management ❯
The APT-RAID® Award for Excellence in Working with Challenging Behaviour ❯
The APT Award for Fostering Good Mental Health in the Workplace ❯