t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
For mental health professionals to deliver top quality material to those who need them.
If you are a mental health professional looking for top quality material to deliver to groups of patients, then you have found it. MoodMaster groups come from APT and are designed to help you bring the most relevant and effective information direct to those who want it.
The input is based primarily on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is generally accepted as the leading approach in this sphere. For its success it relies upon the person (a) knowing key information and (b) acting on it. The groups are designed to help you achieve both of those as quickly and easily for your patients as possible.
The idea is simple, namely to provide mental health professionals with attractive, relevant, material they can run for groups of patients. We know that people run groups already, but feel that in many cases the content could be better, the structure could be better, and the materials that patients receive could also be better. We know that many patients, even those in in-patient psychiatric units, have not necessarily covered the basic skills such as how to organise your life, how to get a good night's sleep, how to manage your emotions, how to run rewarding relationships, and how to solve problems, to take just five examples.
The majority of our mental health training courses are provided this way - we come to you and train a group of up to 15 people for an all-inclusive fee.
The majority of our training is provided 'onsite' but for a few of our courses you can come to us. APT is conveniently located centrally in UK.
Obtain APT-quality input at a time that is convenient to you and minimises the need for 'cover' normally associated with training.