t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
If you have checked yourself against the eligibility criteria, the next step is to submit your abbreviated c.v. on the form below.
If your abbreviated c.v. is suitable we will let you know by email, and ask you for the names of two referees if you want to proceed.
There are 6 steps:
1. Check your eligibility.
2. Apply by submitting your abbreviated curriculum vitae.
3. If your brief c.v. is suitable, we will ask you to submit the names of two referees.
4. If your references are suitable, you sit a short online course (free of charge) all about how to present APT courses and the standards required.
5. When you pass the exam at the end of that course, you can then run your chosen APT course, normally in your own organisation. The course has the full workbooks, certification and APT-accreditation for the delegates on the courses.
6. When you have run 3 such courses to the required APT standard then you are accepted as an APT Tutor, and at that point (but not before) can describe yourself as such on your CV and elsewhere.