t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
The Association for Psychological Therapies prides itself on the written feedback we receive for our courses. Below is just some of the great reviews the 'Learning the Lessons from Major Incidents' course has received.
"Very interesting, informative and will definitely be able to use within my practice."
Hannah Bacon, Nursing ('Online Live' version)
"Really enjoyable course, well presented. engaging presenter."
Course Delegate ('Online Live' version)
"The course tutor was great, very knowledgeable and articulate. Course very relevant and useful, will be taking what I have learned in to practice."
Doug Wing, Nursing ('Online Live' version)
"I found the course very useful and found the group very comfortable to share ideas with. The tutor was also very supportive and willing to listen and share ideas."
Denise Bride, Nursing ('Online Live' version)
"The group was a nice size ... The tutor was very knowledgeable and presented well, she was warm and open in her manner."
Course Delegate ('Online Live' version)
"A very thought provoking training course, delivered in an effective and professional way."
Course Delegate
"Outstanding training, excellent group."
Andrew Coyte-McKenzie, Contract Manager
"Fantastic, very relevant … would recommend it for all clinical managers."
Appiah Oyinka, Senior Nurse
"The course was excellent."
Maureen Cushley, Senior Nurse
"Very informative and empowering."
Michael Sarfo-Bans, Ward Manager
A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)
For years, our customers have said they wished APT did a course with this title. Well we do now.
In mental health and related areas there are a number of 'major incidents' that can occur, most notably to do with people losing their lives through suicide, violence or neglect, but also relating to sex offending and a whole range of serious but less tragic events. After a serious incident there often seem to be obvious 'oversights' or mistakes, although some of these can be put down to the wisdom of hindsight. This important course aims to equip managers to examine such incidents and to draw the real lessons from them, while also distinguishing those lessons from 'the wisdom of hindsight'.
We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last seven runnings of this course, which are updated periodically.
Presentation: 93%
Relevance: 91%